Sunday, November 25, 2012

Into the Einstein Tower.

only once a year in Mitaka national observatory,
in the day of Stars and Planets,
inside of Einstein Tower is opened to public.
it is not just a tower for astronomical observatory,
rather it is a secret institute for old astronomers,
or a base, or even fortress in the fantasy films we all have seen.
unfortunately, it was a bit too dark for my minilux..
oh well, I'll remember them, or I could just come back again next year.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Autumn deepens into Winter.

     As winter closed in on us, branches of a tree are getting bare,
     lips start to chap, and the coldness slowly descends.
     every year, each of those signs of winter makes me depressed,
     that the year is closing again, unbelievably fast, whether one likes it or not.
     however it also brings me this subtle, very quiet sort of excitement,
     for this very season coming up.